28 11月 Ken Hamaguchi

《Ultimate Mixer #2》*the image is a part of the work
Acrylic, canvas 41x41cm

Ken Hamaguchi
Graduated from Tama Art University, Japanese painting course in 1997. Works mainly in installation. Debut exhibition at “BLACK, SUTRA, AND THE REST”, Takahashi Collection Kagurazaka, Japan(2008). In recent years, he has been active in a number of solo and group exhibitions, pursuing a style of nonsense expression using motifs of insignificant and unimportant things and pop culture.

《Ultimate Mixer #2》
Acrylic, canvas 41x41cm

《Woman waiting, Woman not waiting #2》
Acrylic, canvas, cloth, thread, fastener 103×72.8cm

《Manpukuji De Miserarete》
Acrylic, fusuma 180x132cm